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2nd Edition

The Ziggurat Model, Release 2.1: A Framework for Designing Comprehensive Strategies and Supports for Autistic Individuals

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Ruth Aspy, Barry G Grossman

  • The Ziggurat Model, Release 2.1

380 pages
ISBN: 9798985804508

The Ziggurat Model is a system for designing comprehensive strategies and supports for all individuals on the autism spectrum. The Ziggurat Model was created to simplify a complex process. The focal point of the model is a five tiered research-centred system that capitalises on strengths to address underlying needs. It is assessment driven and provides a framework that guides parents, professionals, and autistics themselves in creating effective supports and strategies.

The Ziggurat Model is used in home, school, mental health, and other therapeutic settings. The Ziggurat Model is also used by autistic adolescents and adults as a self-help strategy.

The Ziggurat Model is unique - simple to use and comprehensive. While it is easy to find volumes of information describing specific interventions, it is difficult to find information on how to develop an effective plan. Autistics, parents, and professionals will find the framework of the Ziggurat Model to be a useful guide in developing more thorough and effective supports and strategies.

The Ziggurat framework can be used to address needs in any setting

  • Create effective plans at home
  • Develop effective Individualized Education Plans that address priorities and lead to change
  • Complete Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans that address the source of the "behaviors"
  • Assessment recommendations
  • Transition planning
  • Workplace planning
  • Consultation

The Ziggurat Model helps staff to complete multiple components of the IEP. The framework helps school staff to remain in compliance with federal and state guidelines. Specifically, recent trends in special education law emphasise the use of scientifically based research approaches along with a focus on response to intervention (RTI). Additionally, there is a strong push for incorporating positive behavioural interventions and supports (PBIS) based on a functional behavioural assessment. The Ziggurat Model is consistent with these practices.

  • Facilitates effective collaboration with parents and staff
  • Identify present levels of academic and functional performance (PLAAFP) in areas such as social, communication, and emotion regulation
  • Develop accommodations that address key needs
  • Complete better functional behaviour assessments (FBAs)
  • Develop a behaviour intervention plan (BIP) that addresses critical needs
  • Facilitates a person-centred approach to program development
  • Develop transition plans that addresses needs associated with autism and builds on skills

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Ziggurat Model?

The Ziggurat Model is a framework for developing a comprehensive support program for individuals with autism. The framework helps to make sure that critical areas are addressed. The Model has multiple applications and can be used in the home, school, work, and community settings. It is also used as a self-help model.

Why did you name the model "ziggurat"

A ziggurat is a terraced or stair-stepped pyramid. We use the levels of the ziggurat to represent the five required levels of support for individuals on the autism spectrum.

Can the model be used for everyone with autism?

The Ziggurat Model is for use with people across the autism spectrum and for people of all ages.

Why aren't communication and social skills levels on the Ziggurat?

The levels of Ziggurat represent areas for support. They are collectively referred to as the Intervention Ziggurat. Each level is designed to address the characteristics of autism such as communication and social skill deficits. One may develop interventions to address these needs on any level of the Intervention Ziggurat.

What is a Task Demand intervention?

Task Demands interventions involve removing obstacles or providing supports to facilitate success. We do not want the demands to exceed a person's skills; therefore, it is important to reduce demands and add necessary supports to ensure success.

What are the Individual Strengths and Skills Inventory (ISSI) and where can I find it?

The Individual Strengths and Skills Inventory (ISSI) is an assessment tool that is incorporated into the Underlying Characteristics Checklist (UCC). The purpose of the ISSI is to help to identify strengths on which to build upon when designing a comprehensive plan.

"A practical and helpful book that provides a comprehensive approach to intervention for more able individuals with autism. The book is enhanced by the use of cases and diagrams and has a practical orientation. It will be of great benefit to professionals and parents alike."
- Fred R. Volkmar, M.D., Director, Child Study Center, Irving B. Harris Professor of Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics and Psychology, Yale University School of Medicine.

"In the past ten years, I have seen three materials that I believe have the potential to advance the progress of children and youth with ASD. One is the Ziggurat Model. Aspy and Grossman understand autism in a way that most people do not. They have created a simple-to-use, yet comprehensive model to ensure that children's needs are met throughout the school day. The Ziggurat program is innovative, based on best practices and focused on the child's needs. I wish that I would have created this model. It is simply brilliant."
- Brenda Smith Myles, Ph.D., Consultant and internationally known presenter and writer on issues related to autism

"With the Ziggurat Model of Intervention, Drs. Aspy and Grossman have synthesized the research on program planning and functional behavior assessment into a useful and user-friendly decision model leading to the development of truly comprehensive, functionally determined educational and behavior support plans. Highly recommended."
- Peter E. Gerhardt, Ed.D., President, Organization for Autism Research

"Comprehensive and well-researched, but also understandable and accessible, the ZM addresses the multi-faceted needs of children with ASD in the school setting. Its very premise is that while there are commonalities, the characteristics of autism impact every student differently. This program is ingenious in that it creates an individualized plan and a framework in which to implement it. It is a well-oiled mechanism that smoothes the wrinkles out of the school day for every child. In addition, as a parent it's exciting for me to think of the multitude of ways we can further use the information we gain about our kids through, for example, using the UCC (Underlying Characteristics Checklist). The ZM is not merely a support system, but a celebration of what is unique about our kids on the spectrum and a springboard for their future."
- Kristi Sakai, Mother of three children with autism and author of Finding Our Way: Practical Solutions for Creating a Supportive Home and Community for the Asperger Syndrome Family

"The Ziggurat Model, developed by Ruth Aspy and Barry Grossman, is a model for intervention that addresses the underlying issues of autism as they impact a student's ability to learn and thrive in our school environments. This highly efficient program clearly illustrates for educational teams how to develop solid and effective IEPs that "keep the autism in mind." The approach is practical, research based, and easy to implement. I highly recommend the use of the Ziggurat Model when developing either individual plans or creating district-wide autism programming standards."
- Kari Dunn Buron, Autism education specialist, author of The Incredible 5-Point Scale, and When My Worries Get Too Big

"The Ziggurat Model provides a respectful framework for helping you identify how you can better support autistic children and adults. Many times we do not account for or skip over very important aspects of the autistic experience thus failng to provide supports that are an actual match for what the person truly needs to thrive. I love the Ziggurat Model's tiered approach that helps us consider underlying needs in a sequential manner. If you are seeking to grow in your ability to provide meaningful supports, learn about the Zig!"
- Kelly Mahler, OTS, OTR/L, author of The Interoception Curriculum

"Ruth and Barry have finally done what so many of us have tried to do for years. The Ziggurat Model is truly a framework for understanding how autism affects a given individual, and for planning interventions that follow from that understanding. What’s more, it does so without diminishing the contributions of so many others in the field who have contributed to our current knowledge. The Ziggurat Model is easy to understand, practical, and could potentially impact the education and support of thousands of people on the autism spectrum."
- Daniel Davidson, Ph.D., Northern Arizona University

"I love this book! In this much-anticipated publication, Aspy and Grossman have done an exceptional job at providing a user-friendly process and framework for designing comprehensive interventions for individuals on the spectrum. It is a must-have reference for all educators, clinicians, and parents who work and live with children on the spectrum."
- Amy E. Bixler Coffin, M.S., Educational autism administrator, Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI)

"As a practicing School Psychologist for over a decade, I have found the Ziggurat Model an exceptional resource in understanding the behavioral needs of my students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. I find myself reviewing this text frequently, to help refocus my thinking in working with these students in educational settings. The emphasis on the undRead more about review stating Wonderful resource for behavior planning for children and youth on the Spectrumerlying reasons for many behaviors is invaluable."
- School P.

"My go-to for supporting students. More than a standard FBA/BSP approach, the Ziggurat allows for a holistic examination of student within environment. Its collaborative approach also helps bring teams together for a common cause: student success."
- Therese